Central and Southern Angola is host to a very large variety of landscapes, flora / fauna, mountains, rivers and colourful colonial-styled vilages and cities. From Lubango and Humpata on the high Huila plato with it's subtropical climate and vegetation the landscape rapidy changes towards Namibe in the Mocamedes desert which resembles the Namib desert, Damaraland and the Kaokaveld of Namibia.
Fruit is plentiful and vegetables which is grown year round, is sold next to the road. Colourful and friendly indigenous will be met alone the way.
The Northern coastline
is characterized by steep cliffs and beautiful bays with sandy beaches, while the Southern coastline resembles the Skeleton Coast of Namibia.
Considering Angola's past history of civil war, the prevailing peacefulness and practical absence of
criminality is nothing short of incredible.
Due to the lack of infrastructure countrywide, camping out in the wild under professional guidance and utilizing state of the art and fully equiped 4x4s with substancial technical back-up, currently, is the only available option.
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